

I don’t know why but I really really really love unicorns. I am not addicted but I just 
love them.

Dan menurut saya, unicorn itu memiliki filosofi tersendiri, so I chose Unicorn as my blog’s name. And I will tell you the reason.

First, they are really cute, right? A horse with a horn. Selain itu, unicorn juga identic dengan dunia mimpi, dream land. Siapa sih yang tidak ingin ke dunia mimpi? Just for a night, please take me there! Forget all of your problems.

Second, for me, unicorn is a dream.
Di dunia ini, orang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Believe in unicorn, and don’t. Sama seperti di dunia ini orang dibai menjadi dua kelompok. Believe in dream’s power, and don’t. And for me, people who believe unicorn is people who believe in unicorn. Yes! Unicorn adalah hewan mimpi. Tapi apa salahnya mempercayai mimpi? Dream’s power. If you believe it, it will be come true. Karena semua kesuksesan berawal dari mimpi.

What’s my dream?
First of all, tentu saja make my parents proud of me! Then I want travelling around the world with my mom or my friends.
Punya butik sendiri, punya usaha, dan juga punya yayasan social.
Married with my prince, have a happy family.

Siapa yang tak mau? So, believe in your dreams. Everything start here, baby. 

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